

社会学 JOANNA LI, Rethinking Modern Alienation In McDonald’s Window Workers 2009 Sosland Prize in Expository Writing PDF链接

历史 LISA WANG, Martin Luther King Jr.’S Troubled Attitude Toward Nonviolent Resistance 2011 Lawrence Lader Prize in Expository Writing PDF链接

文学 AISHA DOWN, The Problem With Documentary Poetry 2011 Sosland Prize in Expository Writing PDF链接

科学 MEGAN WALCEK, Elucidating The Current State Of Tuberculosis Through Maternal HIV/TB Coinfection Data Collection In Sub-Saharan Africa PDF链接

艺术史 DANIEL GROSS, Gray Grace The Street Singer’s New Aesthetic PDF链接 2010 Lawrence Lader Prize in Expository Writing

心理 ELISE LIU, The Infamous Hourglass: Constructing The Perfect Female Figure 2008 Sosland Prize in Expository Writing PDF链接


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