前面学习的基于值函数的增强学习,是沿用的 MDP 的基本思路。下面介绍另一种思路:学习“策略”。
虽然有很多困难,2017 年,Nvidia 还是通过模拟策略学习,把无人驾驶汽车开上了路。为此,他们用了很多技巧,比如,比较汽车上的左、中、右三个摄像头,如果发现中间的摄像头出现了前面左边摄像头里的东西,就认为汽车左偏了,就向右把它纠正。
1)在真实世界中,司机的行为可能不是马尔可夫的,即他当前的动作不仅和当前状态有关,可能还和以前的状态相关。为此,人们提出用 RNN 考虑更长的观察。
2)在真实世界中,同样的状态下,多种 Action 都是合理的。这时,我们的机器学习模型怎么办。这就是 “Multimodal 行为” 问题。为此,人们提出混合高斯输出等方法。
3)在真实世界中,当我们在状态 s 下执行动作 a 后,进入的新状态,可能和收集的专家数据不一致。这样的话,我们就会逐渐偏离专家数据的轨道。为此,人们提出 DAgger,即首先用专家的行为学习一个策略;然后用这个策略做实验,把实验中观察到的状态,让专家来给出 Action,以此扩充专家数据,并基于新的扩充后的专家数据再继续训练。这个方法在很早以前,就训练出来了无人机,可以穿越树林。
故意添加错误和更正 • 错误会带来伤害,但纠正会有所帮助。这个帮助往往能够抵消错误带来的伤害,并且还有增益 • 使用数据增强,添加一些“假”数据来演示修正(例如,侧向摄像头)
- 滑铁卢 CS885 RL PPT
- 伯克利 CS182 深度学习,Imitation Learning PPT,上课视频 B 站,讨论材料 8
- Berkeley CS285 Lec 2: Supervised Learning of Behaviors, slides, Youtube Video
- 上海交大伯禹增强学习 Lec 10 模仿学习
- 上海交大伯禹增强学习 练习 第15章-模仿学习.ipynb
- 伯克利 CS285 HW 1: Imitation learning (control via supervised learning), Website
- 伯克利 CS182 DL MuJoCo implement Imitation learning, Policy Gradients, DQN, and Actor Critic algorithms.
- 斯坦福 CS224R DRL HW 1: Imitation
- Deep Imitation Learning for Complex Manipulation Tasks from Virtual Reality Teleoperation. Zhang et al. (2017)
- Ho, J., & Ermon, S. (2016). Generative adversarial imitation learning. In NeurIPS (pp. 4565-4573).
- Torabi, F., Warnell, G., & Stone, P. (2018). Behavioral cloning from observation. In IJCAI (pp. 4950-4957).
- Bojarski et al. ‘16, NVIDIA
- ALVINN: Autonomous Land Vehicle In a Neural Network 1989
- Ross et al. “A Reduction of Imitation Learning and Structured Prediction to No-Regret Online Learning”
- A Machine Learning Approach to Visual Perception of Forest Trails for Mobile Robots
- Rouhollah Rahmatizadeh et al., Vision-Based Multi-Task Manipulation for Inexpensive Robots Using End-To-End Learning from Demonstration. 2017.
- de Haan et al., “Causal Confusion in Imitation Learning”
- Chi et al. Diffusion Policy: Visuomotor Policy Learning via Action Diffusion. 2023
- imitation with diffusion models
- Zhao et al. Learning Fine-Grained Bimanual Manipulation with Low-Cost Hardware. 2023
- imitation with latent variables
- imitation with Transformers
- Brohan et al. RT-1: Robotics Transformer. 2023.
- https://robotics-transformer.github.io/
- Learning Latent Plans from Play
- Collect data
- Train goal conditioned policy
- Reach goals
- Unsupervised Visuomotor Control through Distributional Planning Networks
- Going beyond just imitation?
- Start with a random policy
- Collect data with random goals
- Treat this data as “demonstrations” for the goals that were reached
- Use this to improve the policy
- Repeat
- Learning to Reach Goals via Iterated Supervised Learning
- Shah, Sridhar, Bhorkar, Hirose, Levine. GNM: A General Navigation Model to Drive Any Robot. 2022.
- Hindsight Experience Replay
- Similar principle but with reinforcement learning
- This will make more sense later once we cover off-policy value-based RL algorithms
- Worth mentioning because this idea has been used widely outside of imitation (and was arguably first proposed there)
- Dagger Ross et al. ‘11
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