



修订是项目中很重要、需要花费很大时间和脑力的部分,这是因为,它实际上是对我们整个研究过程的“重新观看(“re-seeing”)”。”修订“(revision)这个词来自拉丁语 revisere,意思是 “观看,再次访问:to look at, visit again”。因此,对这样一件重要的事情,您应该投入与第二阶段”研究与写作粗略草稿“一样多的时间。在这里,您将你获取的各种原材料重新排列、消除冗余、扩充它们(rearrange, eliminate, and augment),创建论文的最终草稿(final draft)。

因此,修改阶段的精确任务是获取您的 Cro-Magnon 论文(即第二阶段的粗略草稿),帮助它演变成最终形式。回忆一下,您的粗略草稿已包含四个基本要素:对您的研究问题的一个介绍,包括您的研究问题的定义,并与其他学者的对话;您对这个研究问题的回答,这是您的主要论点;您的证据陈述,其中您系统地解释了你的一手源材料是如何作为证据,支持您的论点的;你的论点的结论,解释了你的论点的更广泛的含义。你现在必须将这四种元素发展成一篇紧凑、连贯的(tight, coherent)文章,并以批判性的眼光来提高它们的准确性、清晰度和说服力(precision, clarity, and persuasiveness.)。


修改阶段所做的所有事情,都是为了培养你的建设性的批判眼光(productive critical eye),并用它来改进你的工作。这里的重要词是建设性的(productive)。对自己的作品进行批判,一个作者通常倾向于两种极端之一:他们要么对自己的作品批判不够,要么对自己的作品过于挑剔。你知道你是哪种类型。要么你觉得自己写的一切都看起来很棒,要么你缓慢但肯定地确定你说的任何内容都不够“好”。前者导致你的写作很草率;后者导致你无法前进。两者都是论文进展的致命敌人(deadly enemy)。你的目标是在两个极端之间找到一个完美的折中。请你对你的工作有足够的批判性,以便它总是在改进,也请你不要对它过于挑剔,这样它就会一直取得进步。


因此,尝试以相对的方式进行批评:你修改的目标是让你的作品比以前更精确,更清晰,更有说服力(more precise, more clear, and more persuasive)。当你写作和重写你的想法时,你会不断地将你的文字从一个不太精确、不太清晰和不太有说服力的状态转变为更精确、更清晰和更有说服力的状态。这就是所有的修改,真的。如果您将你批评的眼光集中在这三个相对的类别上而忘记其他一切(真的,只有这三个,仅此而已!),您将始终有效地批评您的工作。每次你写的时候,你的写作都会进步。最重要的是,您永远不会自己挡住自己的路,自己阻碍自己的进步。

写出你的论文主题的陈述(Thesis Statement)

在修改阶段,你的首要工作是开始把你的”论文主题陈述句“缩小到合适的大小(hone down to size)。理想情况下,您的读者应该能够阅读您的论文主题陈述句,从中确切地知道你的论文的主要信息(main message)是什么。因此,修改你的论文陈述是撰写一篇精确、清晰和有说服力的论文的关键步骤。

试着把你的主要论点精简(whittle)成一个完整的、语法正确的句子(不要跑题(run-on)!)。许多论文陈述包含几个句子,这很好。但理想情况下,您想尝试将整个论文的论点归结为一个句子。这并不容易做到,因为你还必须保持精确 —— 你不能通过让你的论点更加模糊来缩短你的论文陈述的长度!这需要你做一些工作,也许在你导师的定期帮助下,你会一直磨练你的论文陈述,直到提交论文的最后一刻。

在与您的导师交谈时,请拿出您在你的论点中使用的每一个关键概念,提问:它是否准确地传达了您想要的意思。确保每个术语都有准确的含义(holds precise meaning):例如,“异常”或“关系”、“稳定”或“层次”等术语总是可以更具体地阐明(clarified more specifically)。还要记住,精度是相对的。关键是不断努力使您的词语比以前更精确(precise)。确保你的论文陈述包含关于你的论点的“谁”或“什么”、论点的“地点”和“时间”等精确的信息。尽可能缩小你的术语范围,以准确地反映(precisely reflect)你将在你的论文中讨论的内容。如果你在争论“现代算法”,问问自己是否需要更具体。你能把它缩小到最近一年或固定的几年吗?例如,对于您的论点,您是真的在谈论整个机器学习,还是更准确地说是在谈论特定种类算法?您是在谈论所有系统,还是说一个非常特定的系统(某个服务、某个行业、某个场景、社区等)?你的源材料是怎样呢?你有没有在你的论点中具体提到你采用的源材料?你用的什么数据?为什么用这些数据?你是在谈论的所有深度学习模型吗?或者只是一个特定的模型,甚至是一种特定模型的一个特定设计?


一旦你开始通过批判性挑战(critical gauntlet)开始你的论文陈述,就该考虑如何最好地将这个论点传达给听众了。很多时候,学生们忘记了写毕业论文的主要目的是向世界传达思想(communicate ideas)。在成功地传达你的论点时,你必须用你的读者可以理解的词语来框定它和呈现它(frame it and present it)。

回忆一下,在第二阶段”研究和撰写粗略草稿“时,您首先为您的想法开发了一个临时的章节结构,然后按照这个结构进行研究和草稿写作的。既然您前面已经根据这种临时安排开发(laid out)自己的想法,那么您现在的工作就是批评这种结构并找出方法,使其更强大。你的论文的结构可以帮助你使你的论文论证更精确、更清晰、更有说服力。因此,在与您的导师交谈时,您应该讨论整理、排序(order)您的想法和证据的最佳方式,以便您能够以一种合乎逻辑、连贯和令人信服的(logical, coherent, and convincing)方式呈现它们。请记住,向观众传达想法的方式永远不会只有一种。再想想你希望你的论文包含多少章,以及每一章的确切论点(precise argument)应该是什么。

在重新考虑章节时,永远不要忘记你的工作是叙述(narrate)。一个非常常见的错误是假设读者对论文主题的了解远比他们实际了解的多。结果是学生忽视了讲述整个故事 —— 即,学生忽视了向读者解释他们需要知道的基本知识。永远不要忘记你的论文有一个故事要讲。所有的论文,就像传统的故事一样,必须包含开头、中间和结尾。大多数学生将所有时间都花在故事的中间部分,也就是分析的地方,而完全忽略了开头和结尾。永远不要假设您的读者已经知道您要讲述的故事的开头和结尾。

再一次,在这里,将一个友好但非专业的密友想象为你写作倾诉的对象,会非常有用。你写作时,越牢牢记住这个人,你就越有可能准确、清晰、令人信服地讲述你的故事。如果您担心提供太多“常识(common knowledge)”,请向您的导师寻求具体建议。









如果您的论文可能超过 20,000 字,请仔细考虑中是否必要。最好的论文是紧凑、优雅和中肯的(tight, elegant, and to the point)。更长并不一定意味着更好。




这是你 26.2 英里马拉松路线的最后 0.2 英里了。这是比赛的最后阶段,你努力工作,你继续产生和保持(generate and maintain)自己的稳定步伐和动力(steady stride and momentum),它们推动着(propels)你,直到终点。在终点线震耳欲聋的为你欢呼的声音中,我们只是想为您提供一些最终的想法。




校对可以帮助您以良好的形象(in a good light)展示您的作品,确保您的论文给读者留下良好的第一印象。提交一篇你没有校对过的论文,就相当于带着未洗过的头发、破烂的衣服和人字拖出现在一次重要的工作面试中。它不会给人留下良好的第一印象。

校对的目的是确保您的读者可以完全专注于您的想法,而不被其他任何事情分心。即使是最出色的想法也会被拼写错误、不正确的引用风格和糟糕的语法(typos, incorrect citation styles, and bad grammar)所掩盖。

如果可以,请尝试招募(付费)一位真心为你好的朋友为您校对您的工作。当然,你也应该校对你的工作,但你可能太接近你的文字,以至于无法 100% 清楚地看到它们。理想情况下,另一双眼睛将帮助您找出并消除所有烦人和讨厌的(annoying and pesky)小错误。



这场派对是你的胜利(victory lap)—— 不仅是你应得的,而且是你为自己争取到的。论文项目是一个有意义的项目,它将帮助您成长为靠谱的研究人员,更重要的是,成为一个”人(a human being)“,一个会思想、而不是人云亦云的人。无论你的最终成绩如何,请花一些时间来欣赏和纪念您的工作,并为自己和自己经历过的这一切而干杯,然后继续你下一次人生冒险。

总之,修订与文案编辑不同。在你过去写的较短的论文中,你可能只检查了错误和不一致之处。这不是修改。修改是改变你论点的性质、内容或范围,以反映你对导师的建议或批评的整合,也反映你自己对你的项目的思考的演变和日益复杂,随着你更深入地沉浸在你的项目中。这是论文写作过程中一个不寻常且非常有用的方面(unusual and enormously useful aspect),您有机会在提交最终草稿之前从顾问那里获得反馈。事实上,你的大部分学习 —— 当然不是在内容方面,而是在成为一个更成熟的思考者方面 —— 将在修订过程中完成。在学习如何尽可能清楚地表达您的想法时,您也学会了在一个新的层次上思考。在这一点是,没有什么可以替代修订,也没有捷径(shortcut)。


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Why is revising so important?

Revising is not the same as copyediting. In shorter papers you have written in the past, you may only have checked for errors and inconsistencies. This is not revising. Revising is changing the nature, content, or scope of your argument to reflect the integration of the suggestions or criticisms of your advisor, as well to reflect the evolution and increasing sophistication of your own thinking about your project from the standpoint of greater immersion in your material. It is an unusual and enormously useful aspect of the thesis writing process that you have the chance to get feedback from an advisor before turning in your final draft. Indeed, most of your learning—not in terms of content, of course, but in becoming a more sophisticated thinker—will be done in the revision process. In learning how to express your ideas as clearly as possible, you will also learn to think at a new level. There’s no substitute and no shortcut.

How to cut or expand your thesis

Almost everyone over-writes and can afford to edit their work. Strunk and White’s invaluable The Elements of Style famously advises, “Omit needless words.”1 This can be extended: omit needless sentences, paragraphs, and even sections if they are repetitive or fail to illuminate your argument.

It’s unusual to discover that your thesis is going to fall short in length. If this happens, ask yourself the following questions: Have you accounted for counter-arguments? Situated your thesis within the secondary literature? Is there a comparison that might be fruitful? Are there any assertions without ample supporting evidence? Try a “for instance,” “namely,” or “notably” and provide some examples.

A modified version of reverse outlining may also useful at this point. Take each chapter section by section and ask what the main point of each section is. Does everything in the section help advance this point? Do the sections work together effectively?

Almost everyone over-writes and can afford to edit their work. Strunk and White’s invaluable The Elements of Style famously advises, “Omit needless words” (William Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White, The Elements of Style [1959, third revised edition, New York: MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1979], p. 23). This can be extended: omit needless sentences, paragraphs, and even sections if they are repetitive or fail to illuminate your argument.

Preparing the Final Draft

When you have reached the point of beginning a final draft, stop researching: accept you are done. It’s fine to look up the odd fact, but at this point, your argument and evidence ought to be in place. Focus now on the quality of your prose, as a means to conveying your ideas, and stop revising your ideas themselves.

Copyediting and Proofreading

A document of this length inevitably contains typographical errors and inconsistencies; be sure to budget time to eradicate as many of them as possible. You should aim for a polished result, free of the glitches and stumbling blocks that distract a reader and unnecessarily detract from the quality of your scholarship. There’s an equation in most readers’ minds between sloppy writing and sloppy thinking; make sure to do justice to your year’s work with the finish of your prose. Further, a good editing job can point up places where your language is dull or your sentence structure confusing. Make the beauty, clarity, and imaginativeness of your words worthy to your interest in, and effort undertaken in pursuit of, your topic.

Some questions you might ask yourself at the copyediting stage: Does your introduction to the thesis and to each chapter clearly state the topic and your approach to it? Is each paragraph cohesive? Have you included adequate transitions? Is the sequence of ideas logical? Have you earned your conclusions? Have you acknowledged your sources suffi- ciently? Have you checked your citations? Are your paraphrases truly in your own words? Have you used sufficient quotations? Or, conversely, have you relied overmuch on quotations from other scholars or sources to make your points? Is the thesis written in a consistent style?

“No one I know felt finished when they turned in their thesis. At a certain point you just have to accept that there’s always more you could do, and just decide that you’re done.”

At this point, a friend—particularly one in a concentration other than WGS—can be very helpful. A reader with little or no experience in your subject matter may be able to catch those areas where you have been unclear. Remember that you are so close to your work as to be unlikely to catch every single error; the eye has a habit of skipping over what it has encountered before.

While copyediting engages substantively with the meaning of sentences, proofreading aims solely to catch glitches and inconsistencies, and should be your final step. Good proofreading requires a clear, rested brain. It is also a critical component of a polished, professional thesis. Misspellings, typos, and inconsistent formatting indicate a lack of respect and care for detail, and will distract your readers. For this reason, proofreading is a task that should never be left for the last night or undertaken while tired.

Be especially wary of relying on spell check; it misses both homonyms and typos that result in technically but not contextually correct words. Many people find that their proofreading is improved by working from a paper printout rather than a computer screen.


Dear Seniors,

You have just received a lot of wonderful advice about writing a senior thesis. Ultimately, however, you will find your own voice and own path through the writing process. In fact, you will do your best writing only when you forget the voices of other people in your head and tap into what is fascinating and meaningful to you about the material you are examining. Exciting moments in writing happen when you can relax, quiet your mind, and fully connect with your subject matter. Paradoxically, your best writing will occur when you are not worrying about the writing being good or “getting it right.”

A word about self-worth and thesis writing: of course, we want you to strive to produce the best work that you can. But we also believe that your intellectual and personal self-worth should not be bound up entirely in your thesis. In fact, your thesis will actually be better if you can lower the stakes somewhat and realize that this is not your last attempt to define and express yourself intellectually (not even close!).

Lastly, we want to say that we are proud of all you have accomplished, and we have faith in your ability to write wonderful senior theses. We look forward to witnessing each of your processes of exploration through your projects, and hearing about the joys, challenges, and discoveries that lie ahead.