
Jakob Foerster, 牛津大学教授,写作了一篇《How to ML Paper - A brief Guide》,非常好,全文转载如下:


Canonical ML Paper Structure

Abstract (TL;DR of paper):

Introduction (Longer version of the Abstract, i.e. of the entire paper):

Related Work:


[Problem Setting as separate section – only if the Problem Setting is novel, i.e. a contribution]


Experimental Setup:

Results and Discussion:


Other Advice

Start with an outline rather than full text. Each line in the outline captures one idea and will correspond to one paragraph in the final version. It is much easier to change the outline of a building before building it. This is a great point in time to have conversations with others if you are unsure.

Next, expand the outline, but keep the summary line as Latex comments ahead of every paragraph:

%TL;DR of paragraph
Lorem ipsum dolorem… (expansion of the TL;DR), a full paragraph of text that says the TL;DR as easily and clearly as possible. No fluff, not trying to impress, just saying what is and what is not and why think so. Simple, no?

This will a) keep you on track and b) make it easy for anyone providing feedback to quickly see what the overall flow is.

I recommend writing the Abstract as soon as possible, even before results are finalised. Writing the Abstract first helps sharpen your focus and highlights issues with the paper / method / experiments. Of course you might have to make changes to the writing later, but that’s much easier than trying to fix experiments / methods because you realise late that your story doesn’t make sense.

A quick note on author ordering / inclusion, since this keeps coming up:

Extremely common writing pitfalls and other advice (print this out and tick off?):

Last not least - communicate plenty with all authors (i.e. at least daily for the last week) to stay on track and have fun!!

PS: Nothing here is binding but I think it makes it much easier for everyone if we stick to a basic structure when writing papers. Think of it like a broad convention that allows readers to quickly process papers.

PPS: These broad best-practice suggestions are the result of writing papers with a fantastic set of mentors, students and other collaborators - all credits go to them! Special shout-out to my former PhD advisor, Shimon, who inspired many of the points here!

* Caveats:
I am sure there are many stylistic subtleties around writing that I am missing in this guide, but winning a literature or poetry competition is definitely not the goal. The goal is to write text that gets complicated content across efficiently. If in doubt just ask yourself if what you wrote is the simplest and clearest way to get the idea across. Also, you don’t need to follow every point religiously. But when you disregard one of these rules, you should be able to explain the motivation behind the rule and why your case is different. E.g., “Passive voice is normally a bad idea since it obscures the subject of the sentence. But in this specific sentence, passive voice was used because the object is the focus of the sentence. Also, the object was mentioned previously, so putting it first lessens the reader’s mental load.” (credits to Roger)

Comments / questions? Email jakob at robots dot ox dot ac dot uk or comment on Twitter. You can also let me know further common mistakes and I’ll add them here (w/ credit).


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  1. Credits to Oana. I also made edits based on super helpful feedback from Sebastian