
在一段中,为了让自己的推理清晰和明确,一般就采用简单的:主题句 —> 证据 —> 分析 —> 结论,这样的结构。这种约定俗成的结果,让人能快速、清晰地理解我们要说什么。


在科学写作中,传递出(Communicating)你的推理的逻辑(logic of your reasoning)至关重要。用段落来使你的推理清晰和明确(clear and explicit)。这是一种用于构建您的写作的有用的启发式方法:

主题句 —> 证据 —> 分析 —> 结论

Topic Sentence —> Evidence —> Analysis —> Conclusion






分析,有多种形式。通常在科学中,我们使用统计数据来帮助我们评估假设。但是,除了统计数据分析之外,还有其他类型的分析,这些其他类型的分析可能会让人想起你在 Expos 中学到的东西。分析可以包括(involve)比较、解释、应用框架和评估理论(comparing, explaining, applying frameworks, and evaluating theories)。对您自己的数据的分析可能会包含对其他源材料的使用。例如,在将您自己的发现与其他源材料进行比较时,这一评估异同的行为就是分析性的工作。数据集不能为自己说话,因此我们需要数学和概念性的工具来解释(interpret)它,并将其与我们所知道的,和有待发现的东西联系起来。


结尾(concluding sentence)有助于推动一个论证(argument)前进,通过将一段或一组段落中表达的想法有意义地结合在一起,这通常发生在段落的结尾或一组段落的结尾附近。一个段落中使用的结尾句的类型,取决于该段落在论文中的位置:在论文的开头,一个结尾句可能只是简单地识别或突出(identifying or highlighting)该段落中提到的材料,或总结的源材料;在论文的后面,结论句可能会得出论文论点的主要结论。段落的这个组成部分相当灵活,如果您同时使用一组段落,结论句可能会出现在该组的末尾。


上述建议只是一个经验法则(rule of thumb),不应该死板地应用它。应用的时候应该考虑它在一篇论文中出现的特定时刻。例如,在一篇论文的开头,您通常会给出背景,或提供一个构建论文的基础。在这些段落中,它们的内容可能主要是证据。这时,您可能会选择突出显示该内容的某些内容,或识别出某种模式,但一般而言,您可能不会进行深入分析或得出强有力的结论(engage in deep analysis or come to strong conclusions)。在这一段的末尾的任何分析都可能相当温和(fairly modest)。

在论文的稍后部分,在您有机会提供相关源材料的总结,或展示您的数据和结果后,您可能会更深入地进行分析。在这里,分析就是指,对您所评审的文献或您进行的研究的概念性的探索了(conceptual exploration of either the literature you’ve reviewed or the study you’ve conducted)。

有时可能需要不止一个段落才能完成上述四个步骤,以充分表达你的论点的一个点(a point your argument)。


主题句:In addition to the frontal and basal ganglia, the parietal cortex also undergoes a great deal of developmental change during adolescence.

证据 1:Similar to what has been described above, there have been numerous accounts of parietal grey matter reduction during adolescence (Giedd et al. 1999; Sowell et al. 1999; Thompson et al. 2000). These changes in the parietal cortex track closely with similar reductions observed in the frontal cortex (Sowell et al. 2003). Additionally, the white matter tracks connecting frontal and parietal cortices become increasingly embellished during adolescence as evidenced by both magnetic resonance (MR) studies (Olesen et al. 2004) and electroencephalogram (EEG) studies (Thatcher 1994). Finally, the maturation of fronto-parietal connectivity has been found to be highly correlated with improvements in working memory (Olesen et al. 2004).

分析 1:In addition to working memory, the observed refinements in the parietal cortex are also likely to contribute to improvements in mental imagery as well as representations of one’s body in space. It is conceivable that one role that the mature parietal cortex plays is allowing an individual to ‘try on’ a particular experience (i.e. envision themselves engaging in an imagined activity).

结论:In the case of counterfactual reasoning, it is plausible that the what ifs generated by the basal ganglia are sent to the prefrontal cortex for logical approval, and following initial approval are forwarded to the parietal cortex to ‘see what it might look like, to check the feasibility of the behavior for the individual.

分析:For example, this has become rather common practice for individuals using mental imagery to improve their golf swing,

证据:a method that has recently been shown to produce activity in both prefrontal and parietal cortex (Ross et al. 2003).

A hypothesized graphical depiction of the brain-based networks subserving counterfactual thought, their interrelations and developmental trajectory is depicted in figure 1 (p.1801).


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