
斯坦福大学在 Coursera 网站上有一门《Writing in Sciences》的公开课,由 Kristin Sainani 博士讲授。该课程主要是讲述写作的风格和写作过程,包括:减少混乱、用强的、主动语气的动词,停顿,并列,段落编辑,写作过程,非常不错。


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完成时间为 2 小时

Unit 1 introduces the course and reviews key principles of effective writing. In particular, you will practice cutting clutter from writing.

7 个视频 (总计 79 分钟)


Unit 2 focuses on writing with strong, active verbs. Lessons include how to: write in the active voice; avoid turning verbs into nouns; choose strong verbs; and get to the main verb of a sentence quickly.

7 个视频 (总计 87 分钟)


Unit 3 reviews how to vary sentence structure and write strong paragraphs. You will practice using the dash, colon, semi-colon, and parentheses, as well as writing well-organized and concise paragraphs.

8 个视频 (总计 105 分钟)


Unit 4 reviews the writing process. I will give you tips for making the writing process easier, more efficient, and more organized.

7 个视频 (总计 81 分钟)