Expose 杂志

Exposé 是哈佛大学写作计划出版的年度期刊。它展示了 Expos 写作课程学生的最佳作品,以及年度短篇小说和旅行写作奖得主。选择由 Expos 导师提名,并由哈佛写作计划中的一组导师、高级教员和编辑选出。从 2011 年到 2016 年,一共出了 6 年。




Lily Lu, Emotional insight: Discovering the nature of prejudice development and reduction through emotional mechanisms

Justin Curtis, Why Hamas: The Socioeconomic and Political Foundations of the Islamists’ Popularity

Carleen Su, Breaking the Cycle: How Increasing Access to Female-Controlled Contraception Can Empower Low-Income Adolescent Females

Emily Zhao, This Kind of Business



Mengting Qiu, Call for Elimination of Loopholes in United States’ Trans Fatty Acid Labeling Regulations

Rohan Pavuluri, Sapiro vs. Ford: The Mastermind of the Marshall Maneuver

Hannah McShea, Wilmer Wilson IV and the Body Surface: Intersubjectivity and a Call to Decenter the Decentered

Nathan Cummings, June Hogs



Maia Silber, An Answer to Langer and Lopate: Two-Layered Representation in Art Spiegelman’s Maus

Jennifer Kim, Beyond the Biographical: Modern Meaning in Gilje’s Susanna and the Elders, Restored

Eunice Lee, Colombia: A Case Study of Archaeology and Nationalism

Yunhan Xu, I Am Become President: The Rhetorical Choreography of Johnson’s Nuclear Propaganda

Joule Voelz, Interpreting the Failure of the Poor People’s Campaign

Marc Bornstein, On Uncertainty and Possibility: Consequences of an Unproven Science

Serena Eggers, The BBC’s Pride and Prejudice: Falling in Love through Nature

Alice Newkirk, The Interactions of Heuristics and Biases in the Making of Decisions

Marisa Houlahan, Then and Now: Healing in the Aftermath of Cambodian Genocide



Olivier Simon, An Unsuspected Ideal: Reassessing the Treatment of Representational Art in Jose Ortega y Gasset’s The Dehumanization of Art

Jacob Moscona-Skolnik, Cloak of Meritocracy: Harvard’s “New Plan” of Admissions and the “Jewish Problem”

Francesca Annicchiarico, Chinese Civic Identity Twenty Years After Tiananmen Square

Claire Atwood, A New Narrative for HIV/AIDS? How Tory Dent Made Her Way through the Prevailing Rhetoric of Identity, Death & Disease

Kevin Hazlett, A Freedom by Any Other Name: Serbia’s Article 43 and the Resurgence of Hate

Shirley Mo, How to Decrease Adolescent Smoking Using Cognitive Neuroscience to Lower the Prevalence of Smoking among Young Adults

Anita Lo, Faces



Ruth Choa (an Exposé reprint from the Harvard Health Policy Review), Through the Looking Glass: A Psychological Perspective of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study

Reina Gattuso, The Futility of Touch: Caillebotte’s Man at his Bath

Stephen Mackereth, Truth from an Infinite Number of Fictions? Resolving the Problem of Ratiocination in Edgar Allan Poe’s Detective Fiction

Natalie Smith, Kinetic Images, Static Words: The Reciprocal Relationship of Modern Ekphrasis

Liesl Ulrich-Verderber, Understanding Animals to Understand Ourselves

Teresa Yan, What Can be Done for the Penan Culture of South East Asia? A New View on Modernization and Deforestation



Caleb Theofilos Galoozis, Lawrence v Texas: Democracy, The Supreme Court, and Freedom

Edward Horgan, Exceeding the Threshold: Why Women Prefer Bad Boys

Arjun Mody, Two Narratives, Two Wars: The Political and Legal Rhetoric of the War on Terror

Marissa Suchyta, Why Motherhood Matters in Academic Science

Lisa Wang, Martin Luther King Jr.’s Troubled Attitude toward Nonviolent Resistance

Evan Wu, Rehabilitation for Separatists: Sherman Alexie’s “A Drug Called Tradition”



Julian Baird Gewirtz, Art, Madness, and The Hours

Daniel Gross, Gray Grace: The Street Singer’s New Aesthetic

Kwon-Yong Jin, The Risk of vCJD Transmission by Blood and Suggested Public Policy Response, Spring 2010 Conant Prize on a subject of scientific interest,

Madeline Magnuson, Jane Eyre: The Bonds of Matrimony

Rena Mei, The Average Beauty

Max Schulman, The Relation of Pre-Habitual Thought and Behavior to Language

Sivakumar S. Sundaram, Filling the Blank Pages in The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao

Alex Vasic, Revising Ideologies: Perestroika in Angels in America

Joshua Wortzel, The Paradox of Early American Protestantism: The Progenitor of an Intellectual and Anti-Intellectual American Heritage

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