
RL 有大量的应用。下面是滑铁卢课程老师给出的各个领域的 RL 的应用的论文,很有意思。

RL for Math

RL for Health

RL for Games

RL for Finance

RL for Data Systems

RL for Optimization

Credit Assignment in RL


RL in Software Verification

RL for Recommender Systems

RL as sequence modeling

RL for Continual Learning

RL for Computer Vision

RL for Traffic Control

下面是 伯克利 CS 285 RL 课程中提到的 RL 的应用


Diffusion Policy Toyota Research’s supposed breakthrough in leveraging DDPMs for learning policies for real-world Robotics https://github.com/lucidrains/diffusion-policy https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.04137

Implementation of Diffusion Policy, Toyota Research's supposed breakthrough in leveraging DDPMs for learning policies for real-world Robotics

What seemed to have happened is that a research group at Columbia adapted the popular SOTA text-to-image models (complete with denoising diffusion with cross attention conditioning) to policy generation (predicting robot actions conditioned on observations). Toyota research then validated this at a certain scale for imitation learning with real world robotic demonstrations. It is hard to know how much of a breakthrough this is given corporate press is prone to exaggerations, but let me try to get a clean implementation out, just in the case that it is.

The great thing is, if this really works, all the advances being made in text-to-image space can translate to robotics. Yes, this includes stuff like dreambooth and perfusion.


医疗诊断 RL


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