大语言模型需要大规模模型。本节介绍大语言模型的大规模模型的设计、训练和推理过程中的优化方法。随着大语言模型越来越大,但训练用的 GPU 硬件资源(如存储单元)是有限的,因此,人们提出了各种方法,来优化模型的存储和计算。
我们首先来看大语言模型基于的 Transformer 模型的设计和训练。
首先,Transformer 的模型结构有两项重要更新:SwishGLU 和 RMSNorm。最近,它也有一些改进,比如:相对位置编码,旋转表征、ALiBi 表征、Gated FFN。
其次,为了支持超过 1T 参数的模型训练,需要多 GPU 并行训练和优化存储。其中,通过采用“混合精度” 和 TensorCores ZeRO 冗余,降低对存储的需求。
- ZeRO Infinity —> CPU/NVMe Offloading
- 8-Bit 训练后量化
最后,训练 Transformer 也有很多技巧。GPT-3 的论文中也介绍了很多训练技巧。
上面的这些内容,详见斯坦福 CS224U 的 PPT 和 Yandex 课程的 PEFT PPT。
首先,可以观察学习到的 Attention。如 Anthropic 2022 年 3 月发表的 In-context Learning and Induction Heads 指出,“Induction heads” 是大多数 In-Context Learning 的内在机制。
其次,研究者在 GPT-2 中找到了一个用于自然语言任务的大电路,并对我们的人类可理解的解释进行了定量评估。这个电路由 26 个 Attention Head 组成,包括 Previous Token Head, Induction Head, Duplicate Token Heads,很有意思。《Interpretability in the Wild: a Circuit for Indirect Object Identification in GPT-2 Small》,2022。
最后,有研究者发现,Transformer 里的 FFN 层起到了 Key-Value 存储的效果《Transformer FFN Layers are Key-Values Memory》, EMNLP 2021。
约翰霍普金斯 GA, Colin Raffel, Building Better Language Models, PPT
斯坦福 CS324 2022 年 Modeling, Training, Parallelism
斯坦福 CS 224U: Natural Language Understanding 的讲座《Fantastic Language Models and How to Build Them》,Siddharth Karamcheti
Yandex 2023 LLM PPT
华盛顿大学 CSE 599 同学 Slides
- 约翰霍普金斯 UA 2024 Lec 21 Model efficiency,
- Quantization,
- Distillation,
- Efficient forms of self-attention,
- Dealing with hallucination,
约翰霍普金斯 UA 2023 Talk, Decentralized Deep Learning: Running Large Neural Networks Together
Berkeley Summit 2023, Hugging Face, Taming the Wild West of LLMs, Slides, Video, 各种模型的性能比较
- Berkeley CS294/194-196: Responsible GenAI, MosaicML, Infrastructure Layer I: Training and Inference, Performance Optimization, Scalability (slides)
- Megatron-LM: Training Multi-Billion Parameter Language Models Using Model Parallelism
- Efficient Large-Scale Language Model Training on GPU Clusters Using Megatron-LM
Sparse models
- Efficient Large Scale Language Modeling with Mixtures of Experts
- Branch-Train-Merge: Embarrassingly Parallel Training of Expert Language Models
- A Review of Sparse Expert Models in Deep Learning
模型 Generalism
- A Generalist Agent
- UnifiedQA: Crossing Format Boundaries With a Single QA System
- Perceiver IO: A General Architecture for Structured Inputs & Outputs
- Benchmarking Generalization via In-Context Instructions on 1,600+ Language Tasks
- Multitask Prompted Training Enables Zero-Shot Task Generalization
- Finetuned Language Models Are Zero-Shot Learners
- BC-Z: Zero-Shot Task Generalization with Robotic Imitation Learning
- Do Prompt-Based Models Really Understand the Meaning of Their Prompts?
- How transferable are features in deep neural networks?
- Frequency Effects on Syntactic Rule Learning in Transformers
- Are Multimodal Transformers Robust to Missing Modality?
- Capturing Failures of Large Language Models via Human Cognitive Biases
- What Language Model Architecture and Pretraining Objective Work Best for Zero-Shot Generalization?
Additional Reading(s):
- GPT-NeoX-20B: An Open-Source Autoregressive Language Model, Webpage
- Unifying Language Learning Paradigms
- Do transformer modifications transfer across implementations and applications?
- Staged Training for Transformer Language Models
- “Building ML models like we build open-source software” by Colin Raffel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oGxT_i7nk8
- Rotary position embeddings explanation from EleutherAI - https://blog.eleuther.ai/rotary-embeddings/
- Group query attention to reduce the memory usage for inference - https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.13245v2
- Gated activations improve transformer (apparently due to divine benevolence) - https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.05202
深度学习模型层出不穷。要跟上最新的趋势,最好的办法,可能是看 Lucidrains 的 Github 仓库。这个人特别神。他专门实现各种流行的、影响力很大的 AI 模型。从他实现什么模型,就能看出现在最流行什么模型。真的是精力旺盛。
HF Transformer 模型参数
- –max_steps: Total number of training steps to run.
- –learning_rate: Highest learning rate in the learning rate schedule (by default, the learning rate schedule increases and decreases linearly, with the peak being this set learning rate)
- –warmup_steps: Number of steps to do a linear “warmup” from a small learning rate to the desired learning rate
- –save_steps: how many steps of training before saving (and evaluating on the val set)
- –per_device_train_batch_size: batch size per GPU. The total batch size is [number of GPUs] * per_device_train_batch_size
- –gradient_accumulation_steps: Allows for accumulating gradients across multiple sequential steps. This allows you to increase the batch size while trading off computation time. If this parameter is > 1, then the total batch size is [num GPUs] * per_device_train_batch_size * gradient_accumulation_steps
- –lr_scheduler_type: learning rate scheduler. The default is “linear” which does a linear increase and decrease to and from the learning_rate.
- –adafactor: use this flag if you want to use the Adafactor optimizer instead of AdamW (default). Adafactor can save on GPU memory by only saving 2 copies of the model instead of 3 needed for AdamW (mean, variance, gradient).
微软 Phi-2 模型, 2.7B 参数, 效果好, Dec. 2023, Webpage
Mixtral 8x7B, Mixtral of experts, A high quality Sparse Mixture-of-Experts. Dec. 2023, Webpage,中文介绍,MoE 详解,使用指南
BloombergGPT, arXiv 论文
AllenAI Open Language Model: OLMo,包括数据,代码,2024,网站
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